This tool helps you track logistics issues and find solutions. The tool works for a single operation or a large company. Within PARN-ASSIST are help frames that walk a user through the menus.
ASK FOR HELP: you identify the "General Agricultural Concern" you need help with from a master list of 7. From there you narrow down your "concern" using primary and secondary categories. What can you post: needs for general or specific types of labor; need for equipment, a new seed, chemical, or material source; need for business assistance; need for infrastructure aid (carpentry, electrical, plumbing); etc.
The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Users also have the option to more specifically describe their issue. You will be able to eventually identify a professional organization that you are a member of so that they can be kept up to date on your situation.
Next, provide your contact information (general or specific) and a timeline for when help is needed by. If matches exist you instantly see them.
OFFER HELP: you identify the "General Agricultural Concern" you can help with from a master list of 7. From there you narrow down your "concern" using classes with more specific ways of identifying your issue.
What can you post: you can post offers of help tied to specific types of equipment you have, skills you posses, extra supplies or animals, or you can look for a job.
To look for a job, you provide (in addition to the above) your contact information (general or specific) so that someone needing help can contact you and ask for your resume, etc. Just like with ASK FOR HELP, if matches exist you instantly see them.
This tool facilitates the viewing of all ASKs FOR HELP or OFFERs of HELP at the county, state, or national level (map or table view).
This tool is a Google map we have populated with entities that can help with nearly every type of agricultural endeavor: state government, seed mills, nursery operations, orchards, propane sources, fertilizer sources, etc. The ease of searching in Google, combined with mapping visualization, makes finding solutions quick.
This tool is in development and will include links to a variety of agricultural assistance sites tied to information, compliance, education, and training.
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
This is a "farm to table" service that links growers in Pennsylvania with consumers. The tool is being developed by PASA and should be available shortly.
This is a grass roots agricultural training tool now in development.