Press on supply challenges and Ag
Updated Oct. 29
Oct. 29. More Hispanic workers impacted
by Covid-19 in food processing and agriculture workplaces, CDC study finds
Oct. 21. Agriculture education is the latest
COVID-19 victim
Oct. 15. Food Security and
Oct. 1. Report Details Impacts of COVID-19
Sep. 8. Texas A&M-coordinated study expects COVID-19
economic impacts of $2.5 trillion loss in goods, services nationwide
Sep. 2. With harvest at hand, farmers’ coronavirus
thoughts turn to marketing
Aug. 26. COVID-19 and agriculture
World Trade Organization
Aug. 20. COVID-19 Takes Toll on
Agriculture Rebound
Aug 5.
Poultry Plants Allowed To Operate Faster
Amid COVID-19 Outbreaks Among Workers
Aug 5. COVID-19 Weighs on
Ag Economy
Aug 5.
Poultry Plants Allowed To Operate Faster
Amid COVID-19 Outbreaks Among Workers
Aug 3. State orders COVID-19
testing for agricultural and food processing workers
Aug 3. COVID-19's Impact on the
Precision Agriculture Industry
Jul 29. As Covid-19 Surges,
California Farmworkers Are Paying a High Price
Jul 21. It’s peak season for
farm workers in South Jersey
, but some remain frustrated with COVID-19 safety guidelines
Jun 17.
Lessons from COVID-19
Jun 16. Gov.
Wolf Announces $40 Million in CARES Act Funding
Available to Address Dairy Industry Relief, Food Security
Jun 16. Farm Bureau Seeks Additional COVID-19
Assistance for Farmers
Jun 13.
Ontario and Quebec agriculture
feeling effects of COVID-19 crisis
Jun 13. Researchers: Midwest’s agriculture-food system must
transform to survive
Jun 13. During Pandemic,
Farmworkers Kept Their Jobs
And Raised Risk Of Infection
Jun 12. In absence of federal action,
farm workers’ coronavirus cases spike
Jun 12.
Economic recovery after pandemic
will be slow for farmers due to trade and internet issues
Jun 11. Jun 11. Florida Covid-19 cases soar in
agricultural communities
Jun 11. Coronavirus spreads among
fruit and vegetable packers
, worrying U.S. officials
Jun 6. Will COVID aid be
for agriculture?
Jun 5. CDC And Labor Department Issue Interim
COVID-19 Guidance For Agriculture Employers
May 26 COVID-19 crisis could ‘kick off
digital revolution in agriculture
May 13. State Agriculture Officials Say
More Farmers Seeking Mental Health Counseling
As COVID-19 Hits Industry
May 13.
Egg producers
scale back during COVID-19 chaos
May 12. COVID-19 Will
Cost Texas Agriculture At Least $6 Billion
This Year, Experts Say
May 11. The effects of COVID-19 on food and
agriculture traceability
May 5.
Too many potatoes
: Farmers stuck with tons of spuds as coronavirus cuts french fry demand
May 4.
COVID-19 Town Hall
: The challenges facing the food chain
May 4.
COVID debate
: What to do with all the dead animals?
May 3.
A COVID-19 Inspired
Food Supply Chain Success Story
May 2. Wasted milk, euthanized livestock:
Photos show
how coronavirus has devastated US agriculture
May 1.
How the COVID-19 pandemic
has dramatically affected agriculture and the way we eat
Apr. 29.
4 Bright Spots
for Agriculture in the Post-Pandemic World
Apr. 24.
As COVID-19 spreads
, New York farms have been sent scrambling. Learn how they are coping
Apr. 24. Pandemic Puts the
Squeeze on Dairy Farmers
Apr. 24.
Livestock industry warns
that federal help for desperate farms will fall short
Apr. 24.
More coronavirus tests
, broadband needed in rural America
Apr. 24.
Dear governor
: Farmworkers need your help
Apr. 23. How agriculture broke the
agriculture supply chain
Apr. 23.
Without food
, there can be no exit from the pandemic
Apr. 23. Re-open task force paints
bleak picture for agriculture business
Apr. 23.
‘An absolute tragedy’
: COVID-19-related plant shutdowns could force hog farmers to kill and dispose of 200,000 pigs
Apr. 23.
Farmers are plowing down crops
due to COVID-19 restaurant closures
Apr. 23.
Indiana Pork Processing Plant Shutdown
Due To COVID-19 Hurts Hoosier Farmers
Apr. 23.
Western Pa. farmers markets
to open with covid-19 twists, precautions
Apr. 23. Meatpacking plant workers need greater protection from COVID-19, union says
Apr. 23. COVID-19 hammering
farm income
Apr. 23.
Organizations team up
to propose a solution for farmers and food banks amid COVID-19
Apr. 23.
Cargill Partners
With Nonprofits To Ensure Rural America's Resilience
Apr. 23.
Trouble in farm country
because of Covid-19
Apr. 23.
Grocers Hunt for Meat
as Coronavirus Hobbles Beef and Pork Plants
Apr. 21. Pa. officials announce extra regulations to
shield 'vital’ migrant farm workers
from coronavirus
Apr. 21. This
Black Woman-Owned Farm
is Adapting and Thriving During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr. 21.
National Guard
to help with COVID-19 testing at meat plants
Apr. 21.
Ethanol Industry
Could See $10 Billion in Losses Due to COVID-19
Apr. 21.
Interactive Maps
Help Marylanders Find and Sell Local Produce, Seafood
Apr. 20.
Maryland Farmers Market Association
Closes in Vital Time for Local Foodways
Apr. 20. How the COVID-19 pandemic is
sending American agriculture into chaos
Apr. 20. COVID-19 adjusts
Kansas agriculture
Apr. 20. 'We need all hands on deck':
Canadian farmers struggle with labour shortfall
due to COVID-19
Apr. 20. Sizing up the
new farm rescue package
Apr. 20. Wolf announces nearly
$16 million in funding for Pennsylvania food banks
Apr. 20.
Minnesota pork facility
closes after COVID-19 outbreak
Apr. 20.
Agriculture secretary
on impact of COVID-19 on food markets
Apr. 20.
Cattle industry
losing billions to COVID-19, report finds
Apr. 20. 39 COVID-19 clusters reported in Kansas, including
food processing facilities
Apr. 20. COVID-19 cluster confirmed at
Emporia Tyson plant
Apr. 20. Cargill Ltd to 'temporarily idle'
Alberta beef plant
hit by COVID-19 outbreak
Apr. 19.
Farm food delivery
picks up during pandemic
Apr. 18.
USDA's $19 Billion in COVID-19 Relief
for Farmers and Food Banks Sparks Questions About Who Will Benefit
Apr. 16. The Covid-19 pandemic shows we must
transform the global food system
Apr. 15.
US pig farmers
face $5 billion losses and oversupply issues amid COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 14.
Demand for CSAs and Local Produce Surge
In the Face of COVID-19
Apr. 14.
Economist foresees recession
, but not depression, for Midwest
Apr. 14.
Livestock prices drop 20%-40%
since early COVID-19 news
Apr. 14.
Dire crisis hitting pork industry
as pigs back up due to COVID-19Apr. 14. University of Missouri report forecasts
loss of billions for farmers in 2020
Apr. 14.
Health of farmers
paramount as planting season begins
Apr. 14. As family farms face economic crisis due to COVID-19 outbreak,
Gillibrand announces landmark legislation
to provide direct relief
Apr. 14. What does coronavirus mean for
farm equipment manufacturers
Apr. 14.
Farmers Face Uncertain Futures
As COVID-19 Blows Up Supply And Demand Balance
Apr. 14. Plan now to mitigate
labor disruptions
due to COVID-19
Apr. 14. COVID-19 Forces
Illinois Agriculture
To Adapt
Apr. 13.
Meatpacking closures ‘disastrous’
for supply chain
Apr. 13.
Ethanol industry
, corn growers facing ‘bloodbath’ due to COVID-19
Apr. 13.
Chicken company to cull birds
as processing capacity plummets
Apr. 13.
Cocoa and chocolate companies help farmers fight the coronavirus virus and beyond
Apr. 13. France has avoided a COVID-19
food shortage - but for how long?
Apr. 13.
USDA Unveils Tool To Help Rural Communities Address COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr. 13.
Cornavirus Reveals The ‘Usually Invisible Inequalities’ In Our Food System
Apr. 13.
California Agriculture
Apr. 13.
'Resilient' local farmers
plow ahead despite market woes
Apr. 13.
Sioux Falls Pork Processing Plant
‘COVID-19 Hotspot’ To Close Indefinitely
Apr. 13. Coronavirus triggers
Australian self-sufficiency push
Apr. 13.
Ag lenders change practices
and disseminate aid amid COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 12. Farming's COVID Crisis:
Specialty Cheese Sales, Milk Prices Plummet
Apr. 12.
Smithfield Foods
To Close Sioux Falls, SD Plant Indefinitely Amid COVID-19
Apr. 12.
Shepherd University winter crop
to help those unable to work during COVID-19
Apr. 12. COVID-19 impacts
ethanol demands
Apr. 12. COVID-19 Sends
Agriculture Prices Plummeting
Apr. 12.
Research, Education, and Extension
Programs Adapt to COVID-19
Apr. 12. As
farm work
carries on, some worry about becoming Washington state’s new coronavirus epicenter
Apr. 11. (FL)
Farmers Struggle To Sell Produce
Dying On Vine During Coronavirus
Apr. 11.
Coronavirus supply chain issues
cause tons of wasted food
Apr. 11. With
Pa. meat-packing workers
getting COVID-19, is the food supply safe?
Apr. 11. U.S Department of Agriculture approves Florida request for online grocery shopping with the
SNAP program
Apr. 11.
Iowa's agriculture impact
from COVID-19
Apr. 11. The
farmworkers putting food on America's tables
are facing their own coronavirus crisis
Apr. 11.
NYS Senators Ask U.S. Ag Secretary
To Direct Portion Of COVID Aid To Dairy Farms
Apr. 11. COVID-19 strikes disastrous blow to Florida farmers.
Extension agents have a plan
Apr. 11.
Falling asparagus prices
show coronavirus impact on global food system
Apr. 11.
COVID-19 and the ag economy
, ethanol problems, soil scientist legacy
Apr. 11. USDA:
Producers get marketing flexibility
amid COVID-19 outbreak
Apr. 11.
Coronavirus impact
ripples across farm country
Apr. 10.
Central California farm workers
practice social distancing as they continue work in fields
Apr. 10. (TN) UT
Extension identifies resources
for direct-farm marketers during COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 10. GA and SC Departments of Agriculture offering
fresh goods during COVID-19
Apr. 10.
Michigan farmers
fear ruin as coronavirus lockdown collapses prices
Apr. 10.
White House Seeks To Lower Farmworker Pay
To Help Agriculture Industry (
story 2
Apr. 10.
Cheap Beef & Wasted Milk
: US Agriculture Struggles With Coronavirus
Apr. 10. (OR)
Farmers working to keep up with increased demand
for community-supported agriculture amid coronavirus pandemic
Apr. 10. The coronavirus pandemic could threaten
global food supply
, UN warns
Apr. 10. (KY) Farmer’s hopes dip as
pandemic roils markets
Apr. 10. Coronavirus crisis crippling
Florida farmers
Apr. 10.
Smithfield closes S.D. pork plant
after more than 80 employees test positive for coronavirus
Apr. 10.
Agriculture an essential Central Washington industry
with new rules, continuing concerns
Apr. 9. (NY) Coronavirus has potential to devastate
dairy farms
Apr. 9. (WI)
Essential, but isolated
: COVID-19 threatens foreign workers underpinning central Wisconsin's food industry
Apr. 9. '
A disastrous situation
': mountains of food wasted as coronavirus scrambles supply chain
Apr. 9.
loosens rules for truck drivers, launches website to help fill agriculture jobs
Apr. 9.
Meat plants are shutting down
as workers get sickApr. 9. COVID-19 Sends
Agriculture Prices Plummeting
Apr. 9.
Small Business Administration (SBA)
offers relief due to COVID-19
Apr. 9. Maine
Agricultural Mediation Program
can help farm families, workers
Apr. 9. How to buy straight from
Florida’s farmers
hurt by coronavirus pandemic Apr. 9. Germany Flies in
Seasonal Farm Workers
Apr. 9. Farmers race to get
stimulus checks
Apr. 9. COVID-19 impacts agriculture
from farm to fork
Apr. 9.
Working on COVID-19 Aid
Apr. 9.
Smithfield to close Sioux Falls plant
(serving US) after increasing COVID-19 cases
Apr. 9. COVID-19 Renews Calls for and Education in
Buying Local
Apr. 9. Assemblyman Rivas introduces California
Farmworker COVID-19 Relief Package
Apr. 9. Future prosperity of the
Canadian agri-food value-chain
is not assured
Apr. 9.
Federal government shifts summer job funding
in to essential sectors
Apr. 9. COVID-19: France and Germany ask for
CAP market measures
Apr. 9.
Tractor Supply adding 5,000 jobs
, in its 'most ambitious hiring drive ever'
Apr. 9. Industry
Requests for Support Overwhelm Funds
Provided to USDA
Apr. 9. Missouri Department of Agriculture Asks Grocery Retailers to Cease
Consumer Limits on Dairy
Apr. 9.
n in Agriculture Market 2020
Apr. 9. More
pay for California farm workers
promised in Democrat’s coronavirus proposal
Apr. 9. Ag groups seek urgent
relief for exporters
Apr. 9.
Nebraska Corn Board
urges farmers to be prepared as the growing season approaches
Apr. 9.
Recipe for Disaster
: Globalised food systems, structural inequality and COVID-19
Apr. 8. They’ve battled drought, frost and crickets — is COVID-19 the final straw for
Utah farmers
Apr. 8. Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim:
Florida vegetables
Apr. 8. (Arkansas) ‘Vital part of our survival’:
Cape Fear region farmers
are working through COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 8. The Maine Farmer
Saving the World’s Rarest Heirloom Seeds
Apr. 8.
Oregon agriculture
dealing with uncertainty during coronavirus pandemic
Apr. 8. COVID-19 could alter agricultural
trade relationships
; change view of globalization and interdependency for food
Apr. 8.
Seed movement and food security
during the COVID-19 crisisApr. 8. Perdue: USDA hurrying to distribute
farm aid
Apr. 8. Farmers Are Panic-Buying to
Keep America’s 95 Million Cows Fed
Apr. 8.
Pork Producers
Face Harsh Reality of COVID-19
Apr. 8. (NY)
Dumping food
is the only choice for one Hamlin farmer amid crisis
Apr. 8.
Canadian canola sector
continues to waver
Apr. 8. Virginia Tech Ag Econ experts say
food supply chain is strong and resilient despite COVID-19
Apr. 7.
COVID-19 Concerns On The Minds Of Lenders
As Wisconsin Farmers Apply For Planting Loans
Apr. 7. Commissioner Nikki Fried issues
emergency order on eggs
in Florida during COVID-19
Apr. 7.
Cargill shuts U.S. meat plant
in Pennsylvania that serves grocery stores due to COVID-19
Apr. 7. COVID-19's impact will shock key segments of
Arkansas' economy
Apr. 6.
'No farms, no food, no Walmart.'
Idaho agriculture industry grapples with coronavirus
Apr. 6.
COVID-19 outbreak halts production at Tyson pork
processing plant in eastern Iowa
Apr. 6. (Iowa)
Agriculture not immune to effects
of COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 6. (Nebraska) COVID-19 Shows
Farm Labor System
is Broken
Apr. 6.
Cattle, specialty crop growers
look to CARES Act relief
Apr. 6.
Produce shippers
fear inspectors could spread COVID
Apr. 6. Saskatchewan farmers report
COVID-19-related disruptions
to their operations this spring
Apr. 6.
Agriculture to play key role in COVID-19 economic recovery
, says expert
Apr. 6. (Arkansas) A CLOSER LOOK: COVID-19’s
impact on local dairy & food farmers
Apr. 6.
Ag sectors have a new set of struggles
amid COVID-19Apr. 6. (Oregon)
COVID-19 fallout
threatens farmers, ranchers
Apr. 6.
Texas farmers and ranchers
are in a unique position in regard to the COVID-19 outbreak and our nation’s response.
Apr. 6. COVID-19 may keep
‘essential’ migrant workers
outside Michigan
Apr. 6. As COVID-19 spreads,
commodity markets rumble
Apr. 6. "Essential"
Immigrant Farmworkers Struggle to Feed Themselves
During Coronavirus
Apr. 6.
Farmers forced to make tough decisions
during COVID-19 crisis
Apr. 6.
Veterans Turned Farmers
Get Creative During COVID-19 Challenges
Apr. 6.
Chicago Farmers Market
Collective launches virtual market to support local farmers, supply fresh produce during COVID-19 lockdown
Apr. 6. The covid-19 crisis is going to get much worse when it hits
rural areas
Apr. 6.
Rural broadband and telehealth
critical to America's COVID-19 response
Apr. 6. The Impact of COVID-19 on the
EU Seed Sector
– Ireland
Apr. 6. Letter to USDA urges authority to
help US farmers
impacted by COVID-19
Apr. 5.
Wisconsin dairy farmer
dumps 56K pounds of milk: 'no one's buying it'
Apr. 5. How coronavirus threatens
seasonal farmworkers
at the heart of the U.S. food supply
Apr. 5.
Ontario website
to help the agricultural industry amid COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 5. OVID-19 creates
worries for farmers
Apr. 5.
Some Vermont dairy farms dump milk amid uncertainty of coronavirus crisis
Apr. 5. Ag lender discusses impact of COVID-19 on
farm finances
Apr. 5. COVID-19 hits
livestock industry
Apr. 4.
Pivoting a Small, Diverse Farm in the Era of COVID-19
Apr. 4.
Farmworkers are risking their lives
to feed a nation on lockdown
Apr. 4.
Covid-19 crisis likely to shape future UK farming policy
, insists EwingApr. 4. Local farms and markets
adapt to pandemic's impact
Apr. 4.
U.S. agriculture: Can it handle coronavirus
, labor shortages and panic buying?
Apr. 4. When borders close,
who will pick the crops
Apr. 4.
Economic hit from COVID-19
could stall a rebound from a wet 2019
Apr. 4. COVID-19 impacting the
2020 Pennsylvania maple sugaring season
Apr. 3.
Wyoming livestock auctions exempt from COVID-19 order
limiting gatherings to 10 people
Apr. 3. COVID-19 outbreak having impact on local farmers,
Pennsylvania's agriculture industry
Apr. 3. Some Canadians are turning to their yards to
grow their food during the COVID-19
Apr. 3. Wild Markets Prompt Some
Milk Dumping
Apr. 3.
to aid agriculture industry
Apr. 3.
Corn prices fall back to 2016 levels
as COVID-19 lockdowns cut ethanol demand
Apr. 3. Missouri Congressman
Graves urges assistance for cattle producers
during COVID-19
Apr. 3. Modifying
farmers markets for a social distancing
Apr. 3.
Mitigating Covid-19 impacts on food and agriculture
Apr. 3. Klobuchar, Hoeven among several
senators telling USDA farmers need help
during COVID-19
Apr. 3. COVID-19 killing demand for fresh produce forcing some
Florida growers to leave product to rot
Apr. 3 . Coronavirus pushes
farm labor failings into spotlight
Apr. 3.
Seed industry in SW Idaho
, SE Oregon eyes COVID-19 risks
Apr. 3.
Alabama Agriculture Remains Essential
During Stay-Home Order
Apr. 3. COVID-19:
The global food supply chain is holding up
, for now
Apr. 3. CoBank: COVID-19 will
pressure commodity prices
Apr. 3. Wisconsin dairy industry calls for help as f
armers forced to dump milk
amid COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 3. Policy Pennings:
Agriculture faces financial pounding
from multiple sources
Apr. 3. Deere temporarily halts production in Moline (IL) after confirmed COVID-19 case
Apr. 3.
Farmworkers deemed ‘essential’
but are left unprotected during coronavirus pandemic
Apr. 3.
COVID-19 Pennsylvania cases linked to Nebraska
JBS packing plan
Apr. 3.
Alabama farmers remain tough
against COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 3. COVID-19 making
ag producers' jobs more complicated
Apr. 2.
An Outbreak Among Farm Workers Would Be Catastrophic
Apr. 2. Is This the
Start of a CSA Boom
Apr. 2.
West Virginia’s agriculture industry
is finding ways to continue business amid COVID-19 spread
Apr. 2. Farmers’ Use of
Paycheck Protection Loan
Depends on ‘Small Business’ Definition
Apr. 2.
Farmer Relief Fund
established for COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 2.
Who Will Harvest
in the New World of COVID-19?
Apr. 2. Analysis: COVID-19
Impacts on the Fresh Produce
Apr. 2. Farms struggle with
limited immigrant workers
due to Covid-19
Apr. 2.
Farmers and grain companies stepping up
to help out in COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 2. It’s not just undocumented immigrants who could be
left out of the stimulus money
Apr. 2. “
Pat a farmer on the back
” : Ag industry continues to face tough times with COVID-19
Apr. 2.
Nurseries, garden centers
respond to COVID-19 pandemic
Apr. 2.
AEM Supports Agriculture Equipment Manufacturers
During COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr. 2.
Ohio agriculture
and COVID-19
Apr. 2.
An Increase In Community-shared Agriculture Subscriptions Is Giving Local Farmers A Boost
Apr. 1.
Pick-your-own strawberry farmers
working to adjust under COVID-19 guidelines, stay-at-home order
Apr. 1. Miami-Dade’s agricultural
production ‘rotting on the vine’
amid coronavirus crisis
Apr. 1.
Farms and Agribusinesses Are Hiring
Amid COVID-19
Apr. 1.
Wyoming Farm Bureau
: Yes, There are COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture
Apr. 1.
COVID-19 impacts on commodities
to vary, analyst says
Apr. 1.
Peterson unveils House Ag COVID-19 page, talks to Perdue
Apr. 1. ‘Major
oversupply of milk’ due to COVID-19 has Wisconsin farmer
s dumping it down the drain
Apr. 1. (American Farm Bureau Federation) Yes, There are (USA)
COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture
Apr. 1. Feeding The Food Supply Chain (USA):
How COVID-19 Is Changing Farming Nationwide
Apr. 1.
The milkman returns
: Cortland (NY) dairy responds to coronavirus with old-fashioned idea
Apr. 1. Iowa Farmers: ‘
Keep Calm and Grow On
’ Amid Coronavirus
Apr. 1. Coronavirus Update:
Colorado Farms Reinvent To Meet Communities Needs
Apr. 1. Despite coronavirus grocery buying spree,
farmers fearful for the future
Apr. 1. NY State: Small Farm in
Hamburg Feels Effects of COVID-19
Apr. 1. MENOMONIE, Wis:
COVID-19 impacts Govin's Farm
Mar. 31.
Florida's farmers
resilient in midst of COVID-19
Mar. 31.
Wisconsin dairy farms
feel the impact of COVID-19 restrictions
Mar. 31. JBS (beef processing plant)
reduces production at Pennsylvania plant
Mar. 31.
What happens to our food suppl
y if American farmers can't farm?
Mar. 31. California’s
farm workers pick America's essential produce
– unprotected from coronavirus
Mar. 30.
More French needed to pick fruit
in coronavirus lockdown
Mar. 30. A food crisis looms as coronavirus forces
farms to stay idle and countries hoard supplies
Mar. 29. Farm-to-fork logistics on the edge as
Covid-19 disrupts supply chain
Mar. 28.
Coronavirus hits already struggling US farmers
: ‘We’ve stopped saying it can’t get worse’
Mar. 27. (EU) Farmers warn over
food supply with harvest workers shut out
Mar. 27. General supply chain update and example from an
almond grower in
Mar. 27. Coronavirus Is a Wake-Up Call for
Supply Chain Management
Mar. 27.
Feds Ease Rules
for Farmworker Visas During Outbreak
Mar. 26. North America
farm suppliers race COVID-19
spread for planting season
Mar. 26. UK Government preparing
to launch Land Army-style 'pick
for Britain' campaign to help farmers harvest crops (Daily Mail version of
same story
Mar. 25. UK
farmers fear huge labour shortfall
despite interest in 'land army'
Mar. 25. French
minister urges jobless to help farmers
so 'we may all eat'
Mar. 24. France eyes
'shadow army' of fruit pickers
as coronavirus bites
Mar. 20.
Farmers call for 'land army'
to sustain UK food production during coronavirus crisis
Mar. 20. Coronavirus: (UK) Woodbridge farmer's
call for asparagus harvest pickers
Mar. 17. COVID-19’s Long Tail for
Crop Protection Supplies